Thant Cynn Soe Htet

Long-term(2-year) course

I chose SAMU so that I could gain a deeper understanding of Japanese.

After graduating from high school in Myanmar, I enrolled in SAMU's 2-year course.
I decided to go with SAMU not only because of the content of lessons, but also because of all the experiences and events they offer.
While it's important to study the language itself, I also believe that having an understanding of the background of words through culture and history is a shortcut to making progress.
I like the fact that in class, teachers actually take the time to explain in an easy-to-understand manner.
I can ask questions without any hesitation, and there are many opportunities to speak in Japanese.
Every day, teachers fill the classroom with kindness and enthusiasm toward their students.

Good advice from graduates helps us come closer to achieving our dreams.

After graduating from SAMU, I want to study architecture in university and eventually work as an interior designer in Japan.
Buildings in Japan are not only strong against earthquakes, but are also beautifully designed.
My thought was that studying abroad could help me get closer to achieving my dream.
I've made time to walk around and take in Japanese buildings, as well as listen to friends who have graduated from SAMU and gone on to university.
I've heard about the hardships they've faced, received advice on the entrance exams, and learned so much more.
Our upperclassmen tell us that "we'll only get out as much as we put in," encouraging us to do our best and increasing our motivation.

*Individual account.

If you're considering continued education or getting a job, staying in a convenient city center is best. There is an abundance of school and job opportunities, travel time and expenses are reduced, and information is easier to obtain. I emphasized those points when choosing this school.
