Maced Weber Michele

Long-term(2-year) course

My friends were telling the truth when they said "SAMU is a school that supports your heart and soul".

I worked at an IT company after graduating from university in Brazil, but I couldn't give up my dream to experience different cultures and so I came to Japan to study abroad.
I chose SAMU because I had heard about it from friends who had studied abroad in the past.
They talked about how kind and caring the teachers and administrative staff were, and how much fun school life was.
Everything they said was absolutely right.
When I first came to Japan all I could manage was simple greetings and conversations, but I wasn't worried in the slightest.
The teachers take difficult lessons and break them down in an easy-to-understand manner, making everyday lessons quite enjoyable.

Having new friends you study together with makes studying abroad even more fun.

After graduating from SAMU I'd like to work at a Japanese company using my specialties, and I'll continue studying programming as well.
I'm in my fifth month studying abroad now, and I just recently joined my first school barbecue.
There were about 20 classmates and teachers, each of us shopping for what we needed and making some specialty foods from our home country to share with others.
While the event itself was fun, the more important point was whom I was able to share the experience with.
I can't overstate the wonderful time I had with everyone, sharing our different cultures.

*Individual account.

All the teachers are kind and precise in their teaching, so the lessons are always enjoyable.
SAMU's students are often praised for their pronunciation and wording, being told things like how they speak beautiful Japanese without any bad habits.
